Another busy month for Core Emirates

September was another busy month for Core Emirates, with our Managing Partner Lee Hewitt attending multiple events including Construction Weeks Leaders in Construction UAE Summit, the FM EXPO and the Commissioning Specialists Association quarterly get-together.
It is clear that the UAE’s construction and FM sector is facing challenging times and echoing many market leaders’ sentiments, Core Emirates feels that maybe a reset button needs pressing!?
Despite the market mood it has been conversely refreshing to speak to some Developers this month who recognise the current market and see the value of implementing strategies that will bring long term benefits to their facilities by using BIM and pursuing LEED accreditation along with stringent implementation of modern technologies to ensure an enhanced customer experience. This will maximise the performance and ongoing energy efficiency of the properties life cycle.
It will be the clients who recognise the long game, rather than the theoretical short term financial gains, who will ultimately be victorious and stronger.
The CSA Quarterly meeting was hosted on this occasion by our friends at CSI International with the following committee members in attendance: Core Emirates, AESG, T&C Technology, CML, Sutton Commissioning & Management Consultancy, together with Individual Members, Lee Smith, Craig Watt, and Gary Williams
A great collaboration as usual and a positive improvement in terms of increased memberships, both corporate and individual, moreover targets for the next quarter have been set. Core Emirates have offered to assist in the ongoing development of the website so watch this space.
The CSA is always looking for specialists across the GCC to get involved, so if you wish to learn more, please get in touch
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