CSA Newsletter – Spring/Summer 2020
This edition of Index is dedicated to our CSA members, so please take time to read through some of the CSA procedures which will enable all our members to understand more clearly how the CSA functions. It was going to be dedicated to our “Making Buildings Work” Seminar originally booked on 31st March 2020. Unfortunately, we postponed this event due to the outbreak of Coronavirus and the uncertainty this brings each day. We took the precautionary measure to ensure the safety of all our delegates, speakers and exhibitors. The date of this event is now scheduled for the 15 September 2020at The Crystal, London E17. Thank you to all those delegates, speakers and exhibitors who have not cancelled on us and are happy with the new date.
For those who have not yet booked please do so straight away by going on our website www.csa-conference.co.uk.

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